Black And White 2 Trainer

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Black & White 2 Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints, TipsBlack & White 2 Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. Browse by PC Games Title: Hints and Tips for:Black & White 2 CheatsBlack & White 2Cheat Codes:-Submitted by: HaspaSet mana requirements:-Use a text editor to edit the 'gamebalancemiracle.txt' file in the directory:'lionhead studiosblack & white 2databalance' When you open the file, you will seethe names of spells or miracles. Spells are at the top and miracles are at the bottom.The first number is the amount of mana required to cast that spell. After you changethe them to the desired amount, save the file.Norseman tossing mini-game:-Find the path that goes down near the town that you begin at in the fourth land. Followthe path to find a man in a cave. You can pick him up and throw him for a mini-game. Themore distance tossed, the more tribute received.Killing enemy villagers:-Use the following trick to totally slaughter the enemy villagers but not keep them.

First,get the Siren and Volcano or Earthquake wonders. Charge them up so you can cast both ofthem at about the same time. Ccast the Siren wonder in a heavily populated area.

As soonas every one comes, cast the Earthquake, Volcano, or Hurricane where all the people aregathered or next to the Siren herself. They will not be able to build soldiers, and willall be dead quickly.Become evil quickly:-To become evil as quickly as possible, complete the first two lands so that you are inthe land where you must take over the towns, but not in competition with a tribe leader.Capture the villages with platoons to start being evil and at the same time use anytribute to buy the Torture Pit, Prison, and if possible, Hovels or Houses. Build lotsof Hovels or Houses and some Villas and create many Disciple Breeders. Soon you shouldhave a huge population. Win the land so the portal appears, but before you go into it,sacrifice everyone into the Torture Pits you built and place some in the Prisons ifdesired. Wait about ten minutes and you should become very evil.

To speed up the process,destroy the buildings in the towns you captured with boulders and your Creature.Use the 'Set building costs' cheat. Set your miracles to be cheap and gather some tribute.Make sure you have multi-pickup and buy a lot male or female villagers from your tributemiracle list. Pick a lot of them up and just toss them to get massive evil points forkilling them with the throw. Alternatively, you can throw a lot of them in the torturepit. However, tossing them usually gets more points.Cast miracles anywhere:-On land 7 (The 2 Japanese Brothers), find the Norseman who will not die you can pick him upanywhere except in your enemy's realm.

Place him next to the desired target (armies, walls,creatures), then cast miracles on him. This will kill, destroy, or heal your target but nothim. You can use this to heal your creature outside your realm. Note: You must cast themiracles directly on him.

As it is difficult to throw them.Nut Oil Part 2 Silver Scroll quest:-Cast Fireballs instead of throwing the barrels. This gives you unlimited tries (as long asyou have Mana) and it becomes even easier if you build a Wonder to vastly increase yourInfluence so you can just drop Fireballs on the torches.Replenishing platoons:-It is possible to replenish your platoons with female villagers (if the villager at thetop of the hand multi-pickup group is male and you hold down with the action button),while only male villagers will form platoons. This effectively increases your militarypopulation. They will appear just like normal villagers while in the platoon, but willhave the relevant equipment to the platoon. Note: This has only been tested with Greekmelee infantry.Burn down platoons and wonders:-To quickly decimate an enemy platoon or wonder, use a Fire Miracle on a fully grown treewithin your influence. Take the burning tree and hold it over an enemy platoon until yousee the word 'Evil' keep appearing.

This will burn them up, even outside your influence.This also is effective on enemy buildings, especially enemy wonders.Recommended evil god wonders:-If you are going to be an evil god with armies and such, get the Siren wonder first. Onlycast it on the bigger armies so you can use them.

Then, save up for the Volcano wonder. Getthe ranged armory, but do not get the siege workshop. Just use your creature to break wallsnear the beginning. They usually will not rebuild it. When there are Epic miracles at work,get your creature to destroy them.Control the Lionhead logo:-In the original Black And White you were able to control the opening logo for Lionhead.Lionhead Studios has brought this back.

When you begin the game, you can fool around withtheir physics engine and left click on the box that fills up with beads; and pull it awayor up or down; or do whatever else desired. When you are ready to continue with the game,release the box and wait for the screen to change.Set building costs:-If you are having difficulties with the game, you can edit the building costs to make itmuch cheaper to construct. Use a text editor to edit the 'gamebalancebuilding.txt' filein the 'lionhead studiosblack & white 2databalance' directory.

Upon opening the file,ou will see something as follows://Balance file for Black and White 2 Last Saved,#2005-08-24 22:58:35#,'probinson'//BuildingAZTECABODEA 280 0 3.5 80 6 2 3 2 3 2 10 0 1 1 1.5150 0.7 0.6 0.5 0 0.4 -0.008Each category (for example, AZTECABODEA, JAPANESEABODEA, EGYPTIANABODEA, etc. UntilGREEKMIRACLEENHANCER) has 26 numbers separated by a tab.

These numbers correspond to thebuilding's characteristics. However the only two numbers you need to be concerned aboutare the first two, which indicate the Wood (first number) and Ore (second number)requirements to construct that particular building. For example, the 'AZTECABODEA'requires 280 wood and 0 ore.You can in turn edit all the GREEK buildings' cost requirements to whatever desired bychanging the first two numbers that appear in each category.For example, change the following line:GREEKTEMPLE 3000 1500 857142857 20 10 20 020 0 55 0 1 1 5 50 0.8 0.5 0.5 0 0.6 0.005to:GREEKTEMPLE 1 1 857142857 20 10 20 0 20 055 0 1 1 5 50 0.8 0.5 0.5 0 0.6 0.005The GREEKTEMPLE originally cost 3000 Wood and 1500 Ore, but now only needs 1 Wood and 1 Oreafter the edit. The following 24 numbers remain unchanged.

This has been tested and works onv1.1, and can be applied to current games in progress. You may choose to start legitimatelyand only make use of this cheat at a later level.Recommended city layout:-To become a good god and build a beautiful city, follow these guidelines. First, draw eighteven lines outward from the Town Center and connect the ends of them to make a wheel shape.Next, plant as many farms as possible in the spaces between the 'spokes'.Build a Village Store on the outer circle of the wheel. Draw a circle of road around theVillage Store.

Make sure no buildings are obstructing the 'spokes'. Extend the 'spokes' alittle further outward. Build Pot, Plant, and Statue Markets on the circle of road surroundingthe Village Store. Construct a Granary in another area, but near the fields.If the Creature Pen is already built, place the Altar and Temple near it and connect them tothe outer circle or to the extended sections of the 'spokes'. Construct Villas, Manors on theouter circle, near the Temple, but not too close to the Granary. The Villagers do not likeliving near industrial buildings. Continue building the 'spokes' outward and connecting theends.

Build Villas and Manors along these roads and inside the new sections. If you cannotcontinue outward, create paths going of and connecting other areas of your city.If your city has an elevated plateau or hill, build impressive buildings like Mansions,Village Stores, Amphitheaters, Baths, or even Wonders on top of them. Finally, if you seeVillagers not following roads, and cutting across the grass, draw a road there to ease travel.Do not forget to also place Statues, Fountains, and Columns.Infinite evil points:-Take over a town and remove all food and people. You should get evil points every fewminutes now since you are not feeding the town, even though nobody is living in it.More troops:-First get a platoon of 5 archers or infantry then kill off one of them by dropiing a rockon them. Next pick up alot of villagers.

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Make sure you have the ethnic type you want visiblyin your hand i.e. Pick up japanese man last and put all of em down and you get japanesearchers. Finally go unlease your archers or infantry. Enjoy this cheat.Norseman tossing mini-game:-On the fourth land, near the town you began, there is a path that goes down. Follow thepath to find a man in a cave.

Pick him up and throw him as far as possible to get tribute.The further you throw him, the more tribure you will get. Set new records to get more tribute.Note: This is not a quest and does not show up anywhere.Reduce mana cost:-Open the directory,where you installed it. For example: 'D:BW2DataBalance', As you seen,enter to the Databalance menu. Find the text file: GameBalanceMiracle. You can see themiracles listed with numbers in columns.

We just need the first one:e.g: METEOR 7500You can edit it as you wish:e.g: METEOR 10So the meteor miracle will only cost you 10 mana pointsHuge ore rock:-If have used the building cost cheat (everything one wood and ore), when you break ortap an ore rock and build with it, when you drop it, it will be huge.Creature Editing:-First, open your installiation folder (deafult isC:Program FilesLionhead StudiosBlack & White 2),then go to 'Data' file and look for'creaturefeaturedisable.csv'. Open it with a text editor.See all those features? Changethem to 0 (no) or 1 (yes).

Then start the game and ENJOY!Villager Names:-Go to YOUR Black & White 2 folder(EXAMPLE C:Program FilesLionhead StudiosBlack & White 2) It might be c: ord: depending on which drive you have installed the game on, then go to DATA andthen TEXT folder, (EXAMPLE C:Program FilesLionhead StudiosBlack & White 2DataText).Then click on the text document 'VILAGERNAMES.' ' Here you can see villager namesso edit them to your liking.Time Change:-You can change the time of day/night in this game and its not obvious on how to do itas i don't think its in the instructions book. What you do is zoom right out and lookup so you can see the horizon, then put your hand above the horizon as if you're puttingyour hand in the sky and click and hold then a clock should appear. You can alter thetime by turning the clock hand to the time of day you want! This is useful for attackingat night or letting you see better in the daylight!Mini-game:-This isn't much of a cheat, but, it's fun to mess around with. At the begining, when thedeveloper titles and names are coming up, the Lionhead logo will come up, in a small boxwith little beads will come up, you can move this around if you click and hold it withthe cursor.

Although be warned, if you stop clicking it will freeze into the Lionheadreal logo.Flying Fire:-This is a cool way to cause major destruction without having to leave your influence ring,and it's really simple. After you've created an Alter and have purchased a spell (ex.

Fire)Then, as if you were tossing a tree or rock, you can hurl the fireball through the air.This causes a lot of chaos and easily starts forest fires. This also kills people fairlyeasily, so fair warning, you could kill a bunch of your people by accident.

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Just make sure it’s somewhat plausible in order to rack up points. That’s right. Fibbage xl free download. When everyone’s submissions are presented anonymously, it’s up to you to see if you can spot which absurd answer is actually the truth.Players can also play for the coveted “Thumbs Cup,” which awards bonus points to the answers that are especially clever.

Trainer troubleshooting: The most common problem getting a game trainer to work is compatibility between the trainer and the operating system version, if you are using an older game trainer and running Windows 7 or Windows 8 it simply won't work, if however, you right click the trainer and choose Properties and then Compatibility you can change this to run in Windows 98/ Windows 2000 etc. You can find more information on the Beginners Help page here


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