Horse Isle 2 Cheats

суббота 02 маяadmin

Assassins vs pirates 2017. It goes like this:. There’s an artifact levitating in the center of map. Hunt enemy players carrying those coins. Artifact mode Something new you’ve never experienced before.

Go to the last street on the bottom of the town, and go to the furthest house on the road. The house should be red, and have a white gate around it. Go inside it. Then go to the man closest to the door, this is Dr Biped.

Talk to him, then talk to him again, selecting the serious option. He will tell you he doesn't think anyone knows he is there, and he will tell you to go to: The trainer, the livery barn, general store, pet shop, black smith. Go to the places, then go back to Dr Biped. By doing this you get £10.000. Talk to GroovyCrystalSan, and she will say she has lost her healing stones, and will tell you to search somewhere, don't bother searching, as they won't be there, just talk to her again. Yet again she will tell you to search somewhere, and yet again don't bother searching just talk to her again.

Welcome to Horseisle Questing Guide! This is a brand new website that I am working incredibly hard on. New quests will be added daily and I tend to go alphabetically. It would be much appreciated to spread the name of this site around to your friends and to help by sending in quests I don't have yet.

Then she will ask you to ask around the INN, but this time you have to ask around the INN. Go to the Chef in the corner of the room, the chef will tell you she took them.

Riddle boxes horse isle 2

Then go and talk to Groovy, and then to the Chef again, she will then tell you she buried them. Go to the Tool Shop and buy a shovel, then dig at the rock near the Bird Bath, which is near a Well, which is right next to the Pet Shop. Go back to GroovyCrystalSan and give the stones to her. For doing this quest you earn £10.000. Now you have done loads of quests you should think about what you are going to do now. Look at your stats by pressing MYSELF in the toolbar below, then select view my characters profile.

By now you should be very thirsty, and you should be a little hungry, but not very tired. Go to the General Store and buy some food and drinks, or you can go along the beach and find coconuts, which is recommended as they are free on the beach and they make your hunger and thirst go up (as to make them better, not worse). You only have a little more quests to do that are worth while, so for now take a break on the quests.