Imperia Online Game

четверг 07 маяadmin

The official adviser in Imperia Online for the very first steps of each player. The adviser helps the sovereign wannabe in getting orientated in the interface and in the main mechanics of the game while giving him/her generous.




  • Workforce for wood, iron and stone production.
  • The population pays taxes determined personally by the player.
  • Rookies, needed for army recruitment.

Population growth

  • Basic population growth is calculated with the following formula: 1 x current population /1000+50 (1 x means multiplied by the speed of the world). Researching Medicine increases growth by 5% per level. Farm construction decreases the population losses due to shortage of food.
  • Homeless population appears when there is not enough housing. The growing rate of the homeless citizens is calculated as follows:((population growth + current population) - population limit)/2 and then multiplied by the speed of the realm. It can be recruited for army, but cannot be hired and, thus, doesn’t produce resources.

    Activating Premium, paid in diamonds, increases population growth by 10%.


  • Required by all Buildings and some Technologies.
  • Needed for the training of military units.
  • Produced by hired population in the lumber mills.


  • Required for some of the Buildings, Technologies and all military units.
  • Produced by population hired in the iron mines.


  • Main resource for building Fortresses.
  • Needed for some other Buildings and Technologies.
  • Produced by population hired in stone quarry.


  • Basic production for 100 civilians: 10 wood / 10 iron / 10 stone.
  • Empire’s capital has a fixed 10% bonus production for all resources
  • Production can be enhanced by:
    • Activating Premium, paid in diamonds, increases it by 10%.
    • Raising Fortress levels – each Fortress level increases production by a certain %. This % can’t be higher than 60%.
    • Raising Alliance Research Production level (if the player is in an Alliance) – each level grants 2% production bonus for all members.


  • The currency of the game. It is generated as a tax, exacted from the working population at player’s own discretion. There are 6 different tax rates. Gold is generated from trade and deposits in the bank as well.
  • Idle Population doesn’t pay taxes. Gold is generated and used in a centralized way, from the treasury, located exclusively in the Empire’s capital, i.e. exacted taxes go directly to the treasury, the same as the required gold for constructions, research or army upkeep is extracted automatically from there without any need for transportation. Gold is also acquired with the construction of imperial routes and trade routes which connect different types of holdings. Income from trade is directly stashed in capital’s treasury. If the treasury has negative gold balance (due to paid army upkeep for example), the player cannot build, research or recruit army until the negative balance is cleared.
Imperia Online Game


They serve for:

  • Premium Plan purchase – it provides many bonuses which aren’t available for non-premium players, namely:
    • 10% production bonus
    • 10% population growth bonus
    • 10% army attack bonus
    • Grants 10% bonus to the defense of the army
    • 10 daily Happiness bonus points in all provinces.
    • Doubles Caravan Stations capacity
    • 20% army training time bonus and 20% barrack capacities bonus
  • Purchase of extras available every day:
    • Instant construction - starting the exploitation of a building earlier. The option is valid just for buildings with less than 24 construction hours left. One construction hour requires 170 diamonds.
    • Instant research: completes the research of a Technology in progress, at the cost of Diamonds. This option is only available for Technologies with less than 06 hours* research time left. One research hour requires 510 diamonds.

      This is a basic limit. The higher the development, the net worth points and the number of diamonds spent for instant research, the higher the limit gets.

    • Instant training - completing the training of the units earlier. The option is not available while the Empire is under enemy attack. Only the first training group of the queue in one province and one barrack can be instantly trained. Every group below 6 remaining hours requires 170 diamonds.
    • Instantly training one group implies recalculation of the other queued groups’ remaining times.

      Example: You recruit one group of swordsmen for 6 hours and then another group for 6 hours. Second group’s queued training time becomes 12 hours, but if you instantly train the first group, second group’s time drops by 6 hours.

    • Instant army travel
    • Instant foundation of a remote holding
    • Imperial Merchant - a market feature that allows you to sell wood, iron and stone for gold instantly for a 850 diamond commission. The option is not available while the Empire is under enemy attack.
    • Opening more than one gift for the day in the Temple. A second gift for 680 diamonds, if you have already taken a free gift at least 3 times. A third gift for 2550 diamonds, if you have already taken a gift for 680 diamonds at least 3 times. A fourth gift for 4250 diamonds, if you have already taken a gift for 2550 diamonds at least 3 times. A fifth gift for 8330 diamonds, if you have already taken a gift for 4250 diamonds at least 3 times. A sixth gift for 16830 diamonds, if you have already taken a gift for 8330 diamonds at least 3 times.
    • 10-hour production – a single time reception, every 12 hours, of a resource amount, equal to 10 times your hourly production.
    • Activation of Vacation Mod
    • Organization of mass big Festivals at the Town Square with influence on provinces Happiness value. Big festivals are limited to 1 per day. Their effect is enhanced by the Town Square levels - each level raises it by +2 Happiness points.
    • Capitulation - it grants you the opportunity to defend your Empire for certain period of time from certain enemy raids. You can capitulate up to 10 times in a 42 hour period. The first is free, but every following capitulation costs 1700 diamonds more than the previous one.
    • Diamond donations - an alliance feature that allows allies to help each other with diamonds. Donations are made in the alliance treasury, they are not limited but solely purchased diamonds can be donated. Еach member of the Alliance can donate up to 340000 diamonds per day.
    • Earned diamonds - the diamonds you have received in some way other than purchasing them using one of the payment methods listed in Buy Diamonds tab of the Premium menu, namely: the diamonds earned from the Tutorial, from a Quest or from the Wheel of fortune; the diamonds you receive as a gift from another player during a Gifts session; the diamonds you draw out of the alliance treasury.

Diamonds transfer - transferring purchased diamonds from one realm to another, part of your global account, where you log into with the same username and password. Earned and expiring diamonds cannot be transferred within your global account.

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Carve out your rightful place amongst the brutal warlords in Imperia Online, a 2D free-to-play browser-based MMORTS where you can take a once desolate spit of land and hammer it into an imposing empire that few but the most foolish would dare to attack.
Imperia Online makes use of traditional city-building and combines it with resource building as well as a realistic economic model. Everything takes place in real time so players must keep aware so that their growing empire is not swiftly trampled underfoot.
The customization options available within Imperia Online allow players to craft their kingdoms however they want them. The only limit is the player’s own ideas and resources. If a player can rein those in, then their reign as ruler of a mighty empire is all but assured.
Imperia Online also makes use of a comprehensive war model that mimics real life, offering a further immersive player experience. Players can also interact with one another in Imperia Online, ranging from simple alliances and trade agreements to full-on battles to claim one another’s kingdoms for their own, making this a game where socialization and communication are necessities.
Imperia Online will draw players in and keep them rooted to their seats in anticipation of what might happen to their rising empire next.