Homeworld Cataclysm Cheats

понедельник 27 апреляadmin

HOMEWORLD: CATACLYSM WALKTHROUGHby Briareos Kerensky (, briareosHF), ver 3.X.Table of Contents1-Update History2-History Briefing3-Technology Briefing4-Tactics Briefing5-Formations Briefing6-Ranks7-Ships Briefing8-General Tactics9-Multiplayer Tactics10-Walkthrough11-Easter Eggs12-Credits and misc.1-UPDATE HISTORY.9/04/2001-version 3.X. I recieved a mail today. Someone asked me to give my CDkey because he/she lost is package: no way. Let me clearly state this:.N.O.W.A.Y. Do not ask me for such things.-version 3.X.

Added in infos based on the new patch released bySierra (version 1.01).Later versions (2.X). These versions will contain only your submissions.-version 2.0a. Added the final (I think so) sections, Easter Eggs andRanks. Consider them an X'mas present;)-version 2.0. Final release! Walkthrough completed.

Homeworld Cataclysm Walkthrough v3.0 - PC. You can find also 31053 trainers, cheats, walkthrough, soluces, hints for PC games, consoles and smartphones.

I'll upload anysuggestion once every week if there are. Thanks for reading, and be ready formore FAQs;)-version 1.8. New, missions, of course!

Numbers 10, 11,16 and 17.-version 1.6a. 100 Kbs reached and passed! Added missions 8 and 9.-version 1.6. Added missions 6 and 7. Other minor corrections.-version 1.5. Ship description is now complete, with full Somtaaw,Beast, Turanic and Taiidan Ships.

I alwasy though that these two sub-chapterwould be useless, but after some mission I decide to add Bentusi and Hiigaranships under the same section. Section 7 and 8 now online and I'm waiting yourideas.

Blood Death Knight Viability in the Current Patch With the right playstyle and the knowledge of encounters, Blood Death Knights can be a force to be reckoned with, particularly in fights with infrequent, high, but not lethal physical damage. Fantasy: Blood Death Knights wield the powers of the San'layn, using their abilities to control their blood and harness the life force of their enemies to sustain themselves. Resources: Blood DKs use Runes and Runic Power as a resource. Using abilities such as Heart Strike to generate Runic Power. Blood Knights Walkthrough Please note that the details below reflect the time and playthroughs required to get all the Achievements in this walkthrough. Strike down your enemies using devastating close-combat and ranged attacks or whirl your enemies around and suck their blood using your vampiric abilities. System Requirements Minimum. Blood knights walkthrough part 1 no commentary. Skip navigation Sign in.

Re-started the game to write down mission objectives and refresh memoryabout initial missions, but reached mission 16. Walthrough section now containsmission 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Minor corrections in all sections and text formattedwith WordPad.-version 1.0. Section 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 fully completed. Section 6needs Beast, Turanic and Taiidan ships deascription, but it contians allSomtaaw ships. Sections 7, 8, 9 are under way. Currently playing mission 8, butwith few multiplayer experience.2-HISTORY BRIEFING.15 years have passed after the Kushan finally reached their Home, Hiigara, andkilled the Taiidan Emperor. In these 15 years, the surviving Kushan built a newsociety on Hiigara by waking up the colonist kept in cryogenic sleep; however,these colonist had a rude awakening, as the first thing they did know was thatKharak, the planet where they left family and friends was burned by the TaiidanImperial Fleet just before the MotherShip left the system.

A number of thesecolonists, called Sleepers, committed suicide. In the meanwhile, the TaiidanEmpire was torn apart by internal wars, and only a small number of planets waswilling to create a new Empire, this time called the Taiidan Republic, willingto help the Kushan, the original inhabitants of Hiigara, to rebuild theirlifes. However, the Imperial Fleet, was willing to rebuild a new Empire, andmost officers left the Republican army for independent actions against theHiigarans, with the help of the Turanic raiders, an other plague of the knowuniverse.On Hiigara, the Kiith built a new Council, to ensure equal rights to everyKiith; soon the power of council fell in the hands of the major Kiiths, leavingonly few choices to the smallest ones. One of these Kiith, the Soomtaw, aidedby other minor Kiiths conquered the right to use the orbiting MotherShip, nowused as shipyard, for 45 days. Kiith Soomtaw built two vessels, the Faal-Corumand Kuun-Lan, each nearly big as the MotherShip. The Soomtaw is a mining Kiith,and these two massive ships were intended as independent vehicles forlong-range mining duties.

A third vessel, this time a Frigate, the Clee-San,was built for research duties. The Clee San is currently in the Coruc-TelSystem, while the Faal-Corum is in a deep-space mission. You will take commandof the Kuun-Lan and its fleet, which are returning to Hiigara, but.3-TECHNOLOGICAL BRIEFING.In this secton you'll find description of the technology you have to researchto obtain new vessels during the game. A brief description of weapon types isalso provided.-WEAPON TYPES-+ Mass Drivers: projectile weapons.

The weapon itself is small, so you'll findat least a small-caliber gun on every Fighter. Bigger ships will havemass-drivers in their secondary turrets. In Cataclysm, projectyle weapons areuseful against fast strike crafts, as they travel at an higher velocity and domoderte damage to their thin armors. They have short/medium range values.

Laterin the game Mass Drivers will be upgraded to Energy Cannons, a more powerfulversion of the Guns with same stats.+ Energy Beams: Capital Ships only. The most common energy beam is the ionbeam, mounted on a number of ships. Only Super-Capital Ships carry them inturrets, as an ion cannon is usually big as a whole Frigate. Medium/long rangeweapons with high damage values, mainly useful against Capital Ships, though aturret-mounted cannon can deal with Strike Crafts and reduce them in scrapswithin seconds.+ Missiles: Missiles are the only weapon limited by ammunition supplies, butbigger ships can build them automatically, so just make an intelligent use ofthem. They were first developed to provide anti-Fighter capabilities to CapitalShips, but then engineers began to develop smaller missiles to provide a morepowerful punch to Corvettes and Fighters.

Though their damage value is lowerthan the Beam's one, they are fired in groups and have a longer range.+ Fields: some ships come equipped with a field generator capable of deflectingenemy weapons or generating gravity wheels to stop enemy's Strike Crafts. Thoseshiled are useful to protect valuable ships (Carriers, Cruisers,MotherShips.) or to trap enemy vessels. The third type of field is theStealth, capable of masking crafts to enemy eyes and standard sensors. Onlyadvanced sensor suites will detect Stealth (or cloacked) units.+ Plasma Bombs: large plasma spheres that do a lot of damage; they are a bitslow, however, and the only craft carring them is the Beast/Taiidan AttackBomber. Very effective against large ships and if they hit, against fighters.+ Infection Beam: Only available to the Beast. Its Super-Capital Ships, as wellas the Beast MotheShip, use it. This beam infects your vessels and make themfight for the Beast.

Work only on Strike Crafts and Frigates, so use thebiggest ships you have to deal with the listed enemies. Note that the Beamlasts for nearly 90 seconds and can infect every Strike Craft is hit withinthis arc of time or two Frigates.-SOMTAAW TECHNOLOGIES-FIGHTER DRIVEResearch in: Hangar ModulePre-requisites: noneLead to: Advanced Fighter Drive, Linking TechnologyNeeded for: Acolytes, MimicsNotes: you need it for producing fighters.