Maplestory 2 Trailer

воскресенье 05 апреляadmin

Check out the first gameplay video for Nexon's upcoming MMO Maplestory 2. Find out more details. MapleStory 2 10/10 Official Global Launch! Get ready to explore limit. Skip navigation Sign in. MapleStory 2 - Official 4th Cinematic Trailer - Duration: 2:01. Spadow 35,700 views.

The monstrous Infernog has been defeated, and for a few scant moments the forces that drove the Sky Fortress into the sky seemed to melt away into the shadows. But Maple World still turns, and there's a new magic in the air that warriors of both Light and Darkness will be desperate to claim for themselves.

Welcome to the brand new Awakening Expansion, featuring a new set of Job Skills to master, new Dungeons and Chaos Raids to conquer, an increase in the Level Cap to 70 and a new hero ready to battle: Striker!

Table of Contents

Job Rank and Rank 2 Skills

The heroes of Maple World have battled hard and defeated creatures of myth and legend.. but their own stories aren't done yet, and the potential for even greater power awaits them with 9 new advanced skills as part of the second Job Rank!

After activating your Rank 2 skills at Lv. 60, you'll gain a new default ability for free, and will able to activate new, fantastical powers. Use Runeblade's Dimension Blade ability to create a swirling tempest of ice, fire or storm damage, have your Wizard drop a Little Meteor on whatever gets in your way or become a spinning vortex of death with the Berserker's Squall!

You'll be able to start the Job Rank story upon reaching Lv. 60, beginning the Awakening epic storyline. Each job has two sets of four Rank 2 Skills, and will earn Rank 2 Skill Points as you level up towards Lv. 70. Check out the full list of new Rank 2 Skills in the Awakening Patch Notes post!

Rank 2 Skill Details

  • Full list of Rank 2 Skills (99 in total) can be found in the Awakening Patch Notes post.
  • These skills use separate Rank 2 Skill Points as opposed to Rank 1 Skill Points. Skill points cannot be transferred between Job Ranks.
  • You gain a Rank 2 Skill Point automatically by increasing your Job Rank and gain 1 additional for every level-up afterwards.
  • You can gain additional Rank 2 Skill Points from Trophies and completing the new Epic Storyline.

New Class: Striker

It's the master of the Mahar Punch, the Gray Wolf of Kerning City, the bravest brawler to ever set foot in the ring, iiiiiiit's Striker!

Striker never expected to become a hero or to stumble into the grand events. His mission was to only protect those in Kerning City who had no one to help them. But fate had its designs on the fighter, and as he ventures forth to Tria and beyond, the forces of darkness will be quick to realize that a disciplined mind and brutal technique are a match for even the grandest sword!

Striker comes with a full set of skills, including the new Rank 2 tree once you reach Lv. 60. Whether with fists, such as the Giant's Fist attack that sends a massive shockwave to the surrounding area, or with feet, such as the viciously powerful Dragon Kick attack, you'll be able leap into the fray and punish evildoers with style.

Striker Details

  • Rank 1 Skills (at skill level 1):
    • Feinting Guard (automatically learned): Take a defense stance and charge forward 1.75 m 2 times. Physical and magic resistances increase by 300 during the dash. If you use a punching skill after the dash, damage dealt to enemies will increase by 5%. The skill can be both canceled and triggered immediately while using other skills. You are immune to knockback while this skill is active. Consumes 40 stamina.
    • Knuckle Missile (automatically learned): Dash forward with impressive swiftness and throw a powerful punch at the nearest enemy within 6 m, dealing 250% fire damage. If there is no enemy within 6 m, move forward 3 m instead. Triggers Forward Stance, modifying your other skills.
    • Mach Punch: Throw two sonic jabs that deal 37% damage each, hitting up to 5 enemies 2 m in front of you.
    • Magnum Blow: Focus your might into a powerful punch, moving forward 1.5 m and dealing 230% fire damage to 5 enemies 3 m in front of you. Hold down the skill key for 0.5 sec to charge the skill up to tier 2, moving forward 3 m and dealing 513% fire damage to 5 enemies within 3 m. Hold down the skill key for an additional 0.5 sec to charge the skill up to tier 3, moving forward 4.5 m and dealing 792% fire damage to 5 enemies within 3 m. If you charge the skill for an additional 3 sec, it will launch automatically.
    • Fists of Fury: Throw a left-right combo that deals 45% damage 2 times and 55% damage on the last hit, hitting up to 5 enemies 2 m in front of you. This skill changes while in Forward Stance.
    • Power Puncher: Increase the damage of Fists of Fury, Beatdown, Giant's Fist, and Magnum Blow by 3% by practicing your punching form. The damage increase is applied for all stances.
    • Giant's Fist: Leap into the air and slam the ground with your fist, creating a massive shockwave. The radius of the shockwaves expands from 3 m to 3.75 m, and then to 5.25 m, dealing 355% fire damage to 8 enemies within the area.
    • Rising Kick: Launch a series of kicks to deal 61% damage 3 times to 5 enemies up to 2.5 m in front of you. This skill changes while in Forward Stance.
    • Hurricane Cutter: Perform a spinning roundhouse kick to deal 93% damage 5 times to 8 enemies within 2.25 m. Press a direction key to move while attacking. Finish the spin with a powerful kick that deals 110% damage to 8 enemies within 2.5 m. Struck enemies are lifted 2.5 m in the air.
    • Guillotine: Jump kick to deal 88% damage 2 times to 5 enemies up to 2.5 m in front of you. Follow up with a downward kick to deal 117% damage to 5 enemies within a 2 m radius. This skill changes while in Forward Stance.
    • Kick Technician: Increase the damage of Rising Kick, Guillotine, Hurricane Cutter, and Dragon Kick by 3% by honing your kicking skill. The damage increase is applied for all stances.
    • Dragon Kick: Leap forward 4.5 m, kicking for 306% fire damage to 5 enemies in your path. The kick will carry you through any targets who block your way.
    • Centered Mind: Your inner strength becomes your outer strength. When spirit is at 100%, increases your attack damage by 3% and movement speed by 10%. When spirit is between 80% and 100%, increases your attack damage by 1.8% and movement speed by 6%. When spirit is between 50% and 80%, increases your attack damage by 0.6% and movement speed by 2%. Grants no bonus when spirit is below 50%.
    • Overcome: Tap into your inner reserves, surpassing the limits of your physical body. Increases attack speed and movement speed by 30%, and both physical and magic damage by 10% for 20 sec. Consumes 100 spirit.
    • Fighting Spirit: Tap into your combat instincts to bolster your defenses. Increases both physical and magic resistance by 90 and reduces movement speed by 60% for 25 sec. Grants immunity to knockback. After taking damage, you gain a stack of Vengeance, granting an additional 4% damage against enemies. Vengeance stacks up to 3 times. Consumes 100 spirit.
    • Pattern Break: See through your enemy's movements. Increases accuracy by 1 for 38 sec. Successful attacks reduce the target's evasion by 4 for 3 sec. Consumes 100 spirit.
  • A free character slot will be added to all accounts with the addition of the new playable hero!

New Dungeons, Chaos Raids and More

The race for the Lapenshards and the power that they possess will take you to new corners of Maple World to battle all new enemies!

The Frontier Foundation, an organization founded by the young Lady Beatrice, has been formed to organize the heroes of Maple World to take claim of the Lapenshards that have been scattered across the world. Advised by the wisdom of the Runeblade of Terrun Calibre and the Animus experts of Guidance, this new group will do whatever is needed to protect Maple World.

Awakening brings far more than a new set of epic quests to continue MapleStory 2's story. Six new Hard Adventure Dungeons, three new Chaos Raids with both Normal and Hard variants, and a new quartet of even harder battles in the Eye of Lapenta. These battles are beyond anything you've seen before, and you'll need to stay on your toes if you want to win!

New Dungeons and Raids Details

  • 6 new Hard Adventure Dungeons are available with this update.
    • These dungeons share weekly entry limit with existing dungeons.
    • The Song of the Oracle
      • The siren sisters who dwell upon Mystic Coral Island are said to be as beautiful as their song. But the sudden influx of unwelcome guests has filled them with rage. Placate them and learn what they know of the message coming from the ocean.
      • Requirements: 9,300 Gear Score
      • Notable Loot:
        • Lv. 60 Epic Helmet/Gloves/Boots
        • Siren Necklace
        • 30x Celine's Heart Red Lapenshard Fragments
        • Celine (Exceptional Lv. 60 Combat Pet)
    • Guardian of the Seas
      • The reclusive guardian's call reverberates from the depths of the ocean. Seized by a dark rage, he bellows in warning. What exactly is he trying to tell the humans above?
      • Requirements: 9,300 Gear Score
      • Notable Loot:
        • Lv. 60 Epic Helmet/Gloves/Boots
        • Siren Necklace
        • 30x Guardian's Rage Green Lapenshard Fragments
        • Alvanos (Exceptional Lv. 60 Combat Pet)
    • Icethorn Ridge
      • It is said that somewhere at the foot of Icethorn Ridge, a secret path to a lost kingdom awaits. The only path appears to a few, and when it does, an icy wail travels along it, frightening away any who might dare enter. Who or what could be hiding within?
      • Requirements: 9,900 Gear Score
      • Notable Loot:
        • Lv. 60 Epic Top/Bottoms
        • Blizzard Belt
        • 30x Erda's Chill Blue Lapenshard Fragments
        • Erda (Exceptional Lv. 60 Combat Pet)
    • Malevolent Manor
      • A large, eerie manor has been discovered north of the Shadow Gate. though it seems deserted, a malevolent aura emanates from within. What atrocity must have happened within, oh so long ago?
      • Requirements: 9,900 Gear Score
      • Notable Loot:
        • Lv. 60 Epic Top/Bottoms
        • Blizzard Belt
        • 30x Master's Malice Blue Lapenshard Fragments
        • Venom Spirit (Exceptional Lv. 60 Combat Pet)
    • Madrakan Ramparts
      • The invasion of Madrakan, Madria's fortress, has begun! The Maple Alliance has it surrounded, but its thick castle walls are preventing entry. The only way to conquer Madrakan now is to somehow storm the gateway, and only true heroes could be up to the task.
      • Requirements: 10,000 Gear Score
      • Notable Loot:
        • Lv. 60 Epic Weapons
        • Madrakan Monarch Earrings
        • 30x Madrakan Trooper Green Lapenshard Fragments
        • Spatoy the Mega-Madron (Exceptional Lv. 60 Combat Pet)
    • Madrakan's Heart
      • It only takes one small crack to compromise the strongest of armor. So too it is with a fortress. The Maple Alliance has put together an elite team to invade Madrakan and put an end to a threat that has long plagued the alliance.
      • Requirements: 10,000 Gear Score and Cleared 'Madrakan Ramparts'
      • Notable Loot:
        • Lv. 60 Epic Weapons
        • Madrakan Monarch Earrings
        • 30x Pride Bolt Red Lapenshard Fragments
        • Phobos (Exceptional Lv. 60 Combat Pet)
  • 3 new Chaos Raids with both Normal (6-player) and Hard (10-player) versions are available with this update.
    • Frostpillar Temple
      • A temple to a lost kingdom. A dark shadow that stands watch. No adventurer has ever survived long enough to uncover the temple's secrets..
      • Requirements: 12,500 Gear Score
      • Notable Loot:
        • Lv. 60 Legendary Helmet/Gloves/Boots
        • Frost Ring
        • Bjorn's Artistry Blue Lapenshard
        • Bjorn (Exceptional Lv. 60 Combat Pet)
        • Bjorn (Epic Lv. 60 Combat Pet)
        • Weekly S and S+ Rank Clears also reward Lv. 60 Epic Accessory Bonus Value Re-Rollers
    • Madrakan Spire
      • The Maple Alliance has successfully marched into the Madrakan Spire, where everyone now awaits the final showdown against Madria. To clench victory, the Maple Alliance is in dire need of elite heroes. Gather the best fighters you can and put an end to Madrakan!
      • Requirements: 15,100 Gear Score and Cleared 'Madrakan's Heart'
      • Notable Loot:
        • Lv. 60 Legendary Top/Bottoms
        • Madrakan Shadow Mantle
        • Lumarigon's Pride Red Lapenshard
        • Lukarax (Exceptional Lv. 60 Combat Pet)
        • Lukarax (Epic Lv. 60 Combat Pet)
        • Weekly S and S+ Rank Clears also reward Lv. 60 Epic Accessory Bonus Value Re-Rollers
    • Rock ‘n' Rollin' Pink Bean
      • An unidentifiable, bizarre creature has appeared in the Temple of Time!
      • Requirements: 19,300 Gear Score
      • Notable Loot:
        • Lv. 60 Legendary Weapons
        • Ariel's Wings
        • Pink Bean's Prank Blue Lapenshard
        • Pink Bean (Exceptional Lv. 60 Combat Pet)
        • Pink Bean (Epic Lv. 60 Combat Pet)
        • Weekly S and S+ Rank Clears also reward Lv. 60 Epic Accessory Bonus Value Re-Rollers
    • These Chaos Raids have separate entry counters like previous Chaos Raids. The Normal & Hard versions of each respective dungeon however do share entry limit, just like previous raids.
    • Both the Normal & Hard versions have the same entry conditions.
    • Hard version drops a random gear of above noted Lv.60 Legendary gear parts of your set choice whereas normal version drops fragments of above noted Lv.60 Legendary gear part's selection box.
  • New equipment obtainable from the new challenges:
    • 7 new full Lv. 60 equipment sets:
      • Tidemaster Epic-Quality set
      • Frontier Epic-Quality set
      • Demonwing Epic-Quality set
        • Selection Boxes for the above 3 sets can be crafted with 40 of the appropriate fragments
      • Dark Vanguard Legendary-Quality set
      • Behemoth Legendary-Quality set
      • Enigma Legendary-Quality set
        • Selection Boxes for the above 3 sets can be crafted with 20 of the appropriate fragments
      • Soulrend Ascendant-Quality set
    • 3 new full Lv. 60 accessory sets:
      • Wayward Soul Epic set
        • x16 Fragments & 50000 Mesos per combine for each whole accessory.
      • Centurion Legendary set
        • x16 Fragments & 100000 Mesos per combine for each whole accessory.
      • Soulrend Ascendant set
        • x16 Fragments & 150000 Mesos per combine for each Soulrend Accessory Random Box.
    • 6 new Epic-Quality Lv. 60 boss accessories:
      • Siren Necklace
      • Blizzard Belt
      • Madrakan Monarch Earrings
      • Frost Ring
      • Madrakan Shadow Mantle
      • Ariel's Wings
        • Items which require socketing have a significantly higher drop rate than those that do not.
        • Unique boss accessories can be traded once or sold on the Black Market before becoming bound.
    • Exceptional-Quality Lv. 60 pets can now drop from the following:
      • The Song of the Oracle
      • Guardian of the Seas
      • Icethorn Ridge
      • Malevolent Manor
      • Madrakan Ramparts
      • Madrakan's Heart
        • Exceptional pets can both be transferred within the same account via the in-game bank until equipped by a character, as well as sold on the Black Market.
    • Epic-Quality Lv. 60 pets can now drop from the following:
      • Frostpillar Temple (Hard)
      • Madrakan Spire (Hard)
      • Rock ‘n' Rollin' Pink Bean (Hard)
      • Emerald Prison (Hard)
      • Azure Flux (Hard)
      • Terminus of Time (Hard)
        • Epic pets that are dropped cannot be sold to other players. They can however be transferred within the same account via the in-game bank until equipped, at which point they will bind to that character.

Eye of Lapenta and Lapenshards

The Lapenshards are a tremendous power, but they do not pick sides. The forces of darkness are on the march to claim them, and the only way to stop them is to unlock their power first!

Lapenshards are small gems available in one of three colors with a wide variety of effects. While some have simple-but-useful effects, such as the Guardian's Rage Green Lapenshard which increases Damage and Defense, others will do far more. Power up with the help of Madrakan's dragons with the Lumarigon's Pride Red Lapenshard, boost the power of specific abilities with a range of Job-specific Lapenshards such as Bjorn's Artistry Blue Lapenshard and more!


You can equip two Red, two Blue and two Green Lapenshards, and you'll be able to get plenty of them throughout Awakening. But while these shards are already a powerful upgrade, if you want to conquer the 4-player dungeons and 10-player raid within the Eye of Lapenta, you'll need to unlock their true power.

All Lapenshards can increase their power by collecting duplicates of that Lapenshard's Tier 1 version, matching crystals and a wealth of Mesos, up to Tier 10 with a 100% chance of success on each upgrade, no RNG allowed!

Lapenshards and Eye of Lapenta Details

  • Eye of Lapenta instances are available with this update.
    • Emerald Prison
      • The power of the Green Lapenta has coalesced in this place, the Emerald Prison. Eupheria has taken residence here, where she harvests the lives of all who trespass. Defeat her to return her to her normal self!
      • 4-Player Dungeon
      • Requirements:
        • 23,500 Gear Score
        • Green Lapenshard Resonance
          • Obtained by wearing either:
            • 4-Piece Behemoth Legendary set & Weapon
            • OR 5-Piece Soulrend Ascendant set & Weapon
          • Losing the Green Lapenshard Resonance effect by equipment swapping after entering the dungeon will result in a severely damaging poison inflicted on the character.
        • Sword of Time Red Lapenshard
      • Notable Loot:
        • A treasure box which contains the following for the Behemoth, Dark Vanguard, or Enigma Lv. 60 Legendary sets:
          • 4x Lv. 60 Legendary Weapon Fragments
          • 4x Lv. 60 Legendary Top/Bottom Fragments
          • 4x Lv. 60 Legendary Helmet/Gloves/Shoes Fragments
        • 12x Centurion Tear, Centurion Cloak, or Centurion Belt Fragments
        • 42x Eupheria's Protection Green Lapenshard Fragments
        • Eupheria (Epic Lv. 60 Combat Pet)
        • Weekly S and S+ Rank Clears also reward Lv. 60 Legendary Accessory Bonus Value Re-Rollers
    • Azure Flux
      • The power of the Blue Lapenta has coalesced in this place, the Azure Flux. Landevian is using the area as a testing ground for his newfound powers. He must be stopped before he sets his eyes on the greater world!
      • 4-Player Dungeon
      • Requirements:
        • 23,500 Gear Score
        • Blue Lapenshard Resonance
          • Obtained by wearing either:
            • 4-Piece Dark Vanguard Legendary set & Weapon
            • OR 5-Piece Soulrend Ascendant set & Weapon
          • Losing the Blue Lapenshard Resonance effect by equipment swapping after entering the dungeon will result in a massive accuracy penalty.
        • Eupheria's Protection Green Lapenshard
      • Notable Loot:
        • A treasure box which contains the following for the Behemoth, Dark Vanguard, or Enigma Lv. 60 Legendary sets:
          • 4x Lv. 60 Legendary Weapon Fragments
          • 4x Lv. 60 Legendary Top/Bottom Fragments
          • 4x Lv. 60 Legendary Helmet/Gloves/Shoes Fragments
        • 12x Centurion Oathkeeper, Centurion Cloak, or Centurion Belt Fragments
        • 42x Space Rift Blue Lapenshard Fragment
        • Landevian (Epic Lv. 60 Combat Pet)
        • Weekly S and S+ Rank Clears also reward Lv. 60 Legendary Accessory Bonus Value Re-Rollers
    • Terminus of Time
      • The power of the Red Lapenshard has coalesced in this place, the Terminus of Time. Ishura holds dominion over the flow of time here. Survive the chaos of his temporal tyranny and restore him to his true self!
      • 4-Player Dungeon
      • Requirements:
        • 23,500 Gear Score
        • Red Lapenshard Resonance
          • Obtained by wearing either:
            • 4-Piece Enigma Legendary set & Weapon
            • OR 5-Piece Soulrend Ascendant set & Weapon
          • Losing the Red Lapenshard Resonance effect by equipment swapping after entering the dungeon will result in a massive movement speed penalty and max HP reduction to 10%.
        • Space Rift Blue Lapenshard
      • Notable Loot:
        • A treasure box which contains the following for the Behemoth, Dark Vanguard, or Enigma Lv. 60 Legendary sets:
          • 4x Lv. 60 Legendary Weapon Fragments
          • 4x Lv. 60 Legendary Top/Bottom Fragments
          • 4x Lv. 60 Legendary Helmet/Gloves/Shoes Fragments
        • 12x Centurion Signet Ring, Centurion Cloak, or Centurion Belt Fragments
        • 42x Sword of Time Red Lapenshard Fragment
        • Ishura (Epic Lv. 60 Combat Pet)
        • Weekly S and S+ Rank Clears also reward Lv. 60 Legendary Accessory Bonus Value Re-Rollers
    • Blackshard Nexus
      • Blackshard Nexus has become a vortex of unstable lapenta energy. If this build-up isn't stopped, it will be impossible to save Maple World - or the Runeblades who are trapped in the middle of the crisis.
      • 10-Player Dungeon
      • Requirements:
        • 33,100 Gear Score
        • Any Lapenshard Resonance from Lv.60 Legendary gear sets or Ascendant gear set
        • Exalted Sword of Time Red Lapenshard (Tier 6 or higher)
        • Exalted Space Rift Blue Lapenshard (Tier 6 or higher)
        • Exalted Eupheria's Protection Green Lapenshard (Tier 6 or higher)
      • Notable Loot:
        • Lv. 60 Ascendant Weapon
        • Lv. 60 Ascendant Armor Piece
        • Upon clear, you receive a random drop of Lv.60 Ascendant Weapon AND Lv.60 Ascendant Armor Piece.
        • Weekly A, S and S+ Rank Clears also reward 12, 18 and 24 Lv. 60 Legendary Soulrend Accessory Random Box Fragments
    • Eye of Lapenta dungeons have their own entry limits, similar to Chaos Raids.
      • They do not have Normal & Hard modes. Only one uniform difficulty.
    • Blackshard Nexus' entry count is per account.
  • Lapenshards have been added to the game.
    • Obtain different colored Lapenshards from various dungeons and raids around Maple World.
      • The new Lv. 60 Hard Adventure Dungeons reward 30 Lapenshard Fragments for their dungeon's Lapenshard.
      • The new Lv. 60 Chaos Raids reward full Lapenshards.
      • The Eye of Lapenta 4-player dungeons reward 42 Lapenshard Fragments for their respective Lapenshards.
      • It takes 50 Fragments and 1,000 mesos to combine Lapenshard Fragments into a completed Lapenshard.
    • You can equip up to 2 red, blue, and green Lapenshards at any given time.
      • Red Lapenshards are powerful skills that operate on a cooldown, much like your own class skills.
      • Blue Lapenshards will further augment your latent powers, by empowering your Job Rank skills. Each class will gain a different effect from the many different blue Lapenshards available.
      • Green Lapenshards are passive boosts that will increase your combat efficiency.
    • Lapenshards use duplicate copies, corresponding colored crystals, and mesos to upgrade.
      • Upgrading a Lapenshard will never fail. As long as you have the materials required, you are guaranteed to succeed.
      • Lapenshards can be upgraded up to Tier 10.
      • Lapenshards of all tiers require Tier 1 Lapenshards, Crystals of the same color as the Lapenshard and mesos to upgrade
      • In-game dictionary updated.
    • When equipping a weapon that is a higher level than your equipped Lapenshards, the combat efficiency of the Lapenshard will decrease.
    • Four green, four red, and five blue Lapenshards are available with this update.
    • Additional changes due to Daily Missions revamp:
      • 'Everyday Hero' trophy can no longer be unlocked
      • 'Full Bloom' dye will be unlocked by getting the '(Account) The Adventure Continues' Tier 5 Trophy

Sales and Events

It's a new month for MapleStory 2, and while we know you're going to have your hands full with all of the new features and improvements that Awakening provides, we still have special packages and giveaways for you to enjoy!

Summer Striker Sales

Striker's here, Rank 2 Skills are here, the Eye of Lapenta is here, and even the Meret Market's gotten some new additions! A new Style Crate, a new Penguin-y emote, a new regally-cute kitty pet, a pony to ride upon and much more is here for the month of June!

Learn more in the Summer Striker Sales post!

Summer Burning Events

Striker, Lapenshards, Rank 2 Skills, new dungeons and raids and more - there's a huge amount of content for you to enjoy this month. Enjoy everything with the Awakening expansion and get bonus prizes no matter how you play MapleStory 2!

Learn more in the Striker Burning Events post!

This street party features all sorts of vendors, food and festivities for all ages to welcome the Year of the Rat. Monsters of little haven new york.

Patch Notes

The changes that have come with Awakening are so large, we had to make a second post just to summarize all of the smaller changes that have come to MapleStory 2! There's new gear to collect, new Life Skills to learn, a path to upgrading Common Combat Pets to Epic quality and much more!


Learn more in the Awakening Patch Notes post and enjoy MapleStory 2: Awakening!